Digestate management facility at Hasta Farm
Hasta Farm has embarked on a digestate management project, with the aim of improving soil quality and creating a sustainable cycle. The investment focuses on the storage and use of digestate from the farm's drying and processing plant. By recycling these by-products, resource management and waste reduction are promoted, supporting sustainable business from cultivation to final consumer.
The project is co-financed by the European Union.
We strive for a sustainable way of growing food that can last for generations. Our ongoing project focuses on testing and evaluating methods for circular organic fertilization. The aim is to eliminate the need to buy and apply fertilizer from external resources, except for that generated internally from the farm and its own forest waste. This method will be applied to crops such as oats, gray pea and buckwheat with co-cultivation of white clover. All biomass and green mass not used for food will undergo a fermentation process to be returned as fertilizer to the crop. For mineral supply, biochar will be added to the soil. The aim is to establish a sustainable and circular model of agriculture.
Hasta Agri AB receives EU support for gluten-free semolina pilot plant
Hasta Agri AB has been granted business support from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development to invest in a pilot plant for the processing of gluten-free vegetable grains and proteins.
The aim is to create a processing hub that brings together local and regional growers, improving the economic conditions for profitable farming at local and regional level. The processing hub converts bulk grain storage into food-grade packaged products suitable for the market. By increasing capacity, it enables the transformation of normally bulk-based raw materials into packaged products that respond to the growing sustainable market while increasing profitability and sustainability in agriculture.